Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Read this nice article from Wikipedia about Ethical Hacking

White hat (computer security)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term "white hat" in Internet slang refers to an ethical computer hacker, or a computer security expert, who specializes in penetration testing and in other testing methodologies to ensure the security of an organization's information systems.[1]Ethical hacking is a term coined by IBM meant to imply a broader category than just penetration testing.[2] White-hat hackers may also work in teams called "sneakers",[3] red teams, or tiger teams.[4]


One of the first instances of an ethical hack being used was a "security evaluation" conducted by the United States Air Force of the Multics operating systems for "potential use as a two-level (secret/top secret) system." Their evaluation found that while Multics was "significantly better than other conventional systems,"[citation needed] it also had "... vulnerabilities in hardware security, software security and procedural security"[citation needed] that could be uncovered with "a relatively low level of effort."[citation needed] The authors performed their tests under a guideline of realism, so that their results would accurately represent the kinds of access that an intruder could potentially achieve. They performed tests that were simple information-gathering exercises, as well as other tests that were outright attacks upon the system that might damage its integrity. Clearly, their audience wanted to know both results. There are several other now unclassified reports that describe ethical hacking activities within the U.S. military.[4] The idea to bring this tactic of ethical hacking to assess security of systems was formulated by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema. With the goal of raising the overall level of security on the Internet and intranets, they proceeded to describe how they were able to gather enough information about their targets to have been able to compromise security if they had chosen to do so. They provided several specific examples of how this information could be gathered and exploited to gain control of the target, and how such an attack could be prevented. They gathered up all the tools that they had used during their work, packaged them in a single, easy-to-use application, and gave it away to anyone who chose to download it. Their program, called Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks, or SATAN, was met with a great amount of media attention around the world in 1992.[4]


While penetration testing concentrates on attacking software and computer systems from the start – scanning ports, examining known defects and patch installations, for example – ethical hacking, which will likely include such things, is under no limitations when asked for by stake holders in the company. A full blown ethical hack might include emailing staff to ask for password details, rummaging through executive’s dustbins and usually breaking and entering – all, of course, with NO knowledge and consent of the targets. ONLY the owners, CEO's and Board Members (stake holders) whom asked for such a security review of this magnitude are aware. A complete understanding, and sometimes if allowed by those stake holders, a complete non-understanding of the hack attempt is allowed to test penetration points. To try to replicate some of the destructive techniques a real attack might employ, ethical hackers may arrange for cloned test systems, or organize a hack late at night while systems are less critical.[2] In most recent cases these hacks perpetuate for the long term con, (days, if not weeks, of long term human infiltration into an organization). Some examples include leaving usb/flash key drives with hidden auto-start software in a public area, as if someone lost the small drive and an unsuspecting employee found it and took it.

Some other methods of carrying out these include:

Such methods identify and exploit known vulnerabilities, and attempt to evade security to gain entry into secured areas. They are able to do this by hiding software and system 'back-doors' that could be used as a link to the information or access the non-ethical hacker, also known as 'black-hat' or 'grey-hat', may want to reach.

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