Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Malicious Software

"malicious software": virus, trojan, spyware, etc.
There are many different kinds of programs which do bad things on your computer. They have technical names like virus, bot, trojan, spyware, key logger, adware, and more. All of them together can be called "malware". ("mal" is from Latin for "bad".)

What does malware do?

What does "dangerous emails and webpages" mean? What do they actually do?
Malware will be annoying or harmful to your own computer:
  •  destroy files
  •  modify files
  •  change settings on your computer (to annoy you)
  •  slow your computer down by using it to do other things (see below).
But these days it does more than that!
It gets information from your computer:
  •  Get email addresses from Outlook Express and other programs, and send them (through your internet connection) so they can use for spam.
  •  steals information about your surfing habits (what you click on, pages, ads etc what you search for, what websites you visit.)
  •  Captures your keystrokes and sends them to someone (passwords! credit card numbers! personal information!)
  •  Change settings on your computer (to enable it to do the bad stuff)
It puts things on your computer:
  •  Redirects your home page or searches
  •  Puts ads on your computer
  •  Add links (to ads) in web pages you visit, in your favorites/bookmarks, on your desktop
  •  change security settings in MSIE so that you will see sites you thought you had blocked, popup ads, etc.
  •  Puts itself on flash drive to infect the next computer.
It does this by installing programs on your computer to do these things .. plus more we don't know about!
It uses your computer! to harm others, or more: to steal 
This uses your bandwidth and your computer ram, causing your connection and programs to run more slowly. Also makes it harder to trace the attack to its real source.
  •  Uses your computer to relay spam
  •  Uses your computer to send malware to other computers
  • Uses your computer to relay stolen information from other computers.
  •  Use your computer to store files (often illegal) and make them available to others – shifting liability away from the attackers.
  •  Use your computer to attack other computers (send viruses, DOS attacks, ...)
  •  Use your computer as file server (transfer files between other computers, use your storage space).
It is used by rival businesses (and governments):
to attack rival spammers/hackers
to attack other businesses
And there is now big money for the bad guys:
send spam to the stolen email addresses (money from advertisers in the spam)
sell the stolen email addresses to other spammers
steal from bank account (transfer to another account)
order things with stolen credit card number
resell malware on the black market for cash -- tens of thousands of dollars each! -- which are, in turn, used by exploiters to steal

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