Monday, February 16, 2015

Phone Fraud

Many operators have increased measures to minimize fraud and reduce their losses. Communications operators tend to keep their actual loss figures and plans for corrective measures confidential.
According to a 2011 survey by CFCA, an industry group created to reduce fraud against carriers, the five top fraud loss categories reported by operators were:

  • $4.96 Billion (USD) – Compromised PBX/Voicemail Systems
  • $4.32 Billion (USD) – Subscription/Identity Theft
  • $3.84 Billion (USD) – International Revenue Share Fraud
  • $2.88 Billion (USD) – By-Pass Fraud
  • $2.40 Billion (USD) – Credit Card Fraud
Type of frauds:
  • Fraud against users by phone companies
  • Fraud against customers by third parties
  • Fraud against the phone company by users
  • Frauds against the phone company by third parties

1 comment:

  1. Very good article Fatima, but I need to know more about it.
